
Ingredients per serving


Prepare the Dish

To Serve

  • Eggs, poached 24.0 each
  • Parsley, chopped 0.5 cup
  • Nigella seeds 2.0 Tbsp

With Israel as a tourist destination for many around the world, we often see classic dishes such as eggs benedict, with a Middle Eastern twist. This version features Baharat seasoning and phyllo crisps in place of the traditional English muffin



  1. Prepare the Dish

    • Mix in sumac in the prepared Knorr® Professional Hollandaise Sauce.
    • Blend kataifi noodles with butter, season with salt and Baharat. Put in the oven until brown.
  2. To Serve

    • Place the browned kataifi on a plate with a poached egg on top. Cover with the sumac Hollandaise and garnish with parsley and nigella seeds.