Basic: Introduction, Equipment & Ingredients
Watch Chef Fred Duval, Head Chef at The White Onion, talk you through siphoning soups, with a focus on cucumber gazpacho. He’ll talk you through the equipment and ingredients you need to create this super light summer soup.

Basic: Cucumber Gazpacho
Watch Chef Fred Duval make a super-light twist on gazpacho using a siphon, with a garnish of compressed cucumber.

Advanced: Introduction, Equipment & Ingredients
Watch Ben Murphy, Head Chef at Launceston Place demonstrate how to use a siphon. He’ll show you the equipment and ingredients you’ll need to master his signature dish of and create incredible flavours and textures.

Advanced: Scrambled Eggs & Foie Gras Amuse-Bouche
Learn how to create this gourmet twist on a breakfast classic, using a siphon to make a scrambled egg mousse with autumn truffle and sourdough.